Sunday, July 7, 2013

Prom (a bit late)

As a high school librarian, I come into contact with kids and teenagers everyday.  I have the chance to make a difference in some of their lives.  Sometimes it is in a big way and at other times it may be something small.  This year I had a student that spent a lot of time at school with me and she became homeless during the school year.  She struggled  with having the money needed to buy all the things that go along with a senior year.  When she asked if I would mind to do her nails for prom, I had no problem saying yes.  So I brought my nail stuff to school and we played nail salon in the library.

  I know that it was something small, but I hope that even that little bit helped and maybe made her day.  She said it did.  The nails turned out really pretty and went perfectly with her dress (which is amazing because I hadn't seen the dress and had to guess at the color!)

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